Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My last post for 2007. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
I am starting a new job in the New Year as an Ultranet Coach in the BSW region. I can't wait to share with you my learning and ideas as this project progresses, so stay tuned.

What is Ultranet you ask?

According to the DEECD http://www.education.vic.gov.au/management/ultranet/about.htm

The Ultranet will provide an online space to manage the running of schools. It will also allow teachers, parents and students to access the information they need via the Internet.

The Ultranet will establish a schools environment for the future that improves the educational outcomes of all Victorians.

Objectives of the Ultranet:

  • improve responsiveness to individual learning needs
  • provide better information to parents, the school system and Government
  • improve efficiency of the learning environment and school administration
  • adopt an enterprise approach to intranet development
  • exploit previous ICT investments

Key benefits of the Ultranet to the community:

  • establish a school environment for the future
  • improve the educational outcomes of Victorians
  • reduce the administrative burden on teachers and school leaders
  • reduce the future cost of education
  • improve educational opportunities for regional, rural and remote Victorians

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

NEWS Flash!!!!!!!!!!!

The "Moyne Cluster E-learning PodCast" is LIVE! on iTUNES. You will need to Download iTUNES (for free) @www.apple.com/itunes/ to your computer to Subscribe (for free) to the PodCast.

In the iTUNES store you will need to do a search for Simon Perry (author) the PodCast in called Moyne Cluster E-learning Podcast.

The PodCast is aimed at sharing and learning about the fantastic things that are happening in our cluster schools. The first few episodes focus on E-learning, ICT and the use of WEB 2.0 tools to engage students in the classroom. As the PodCast gets going there will be interviews with teachers, students, parents and Principals from the cluster.

Currently there are 3 episodes. There is interviews with Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College) about the ICT Innovations Projects she is working on with students at Hawkesdale, and Lori Anderson (Woolsthorpe PS) about how they are using SMART boards in their classrooms to engage students in their teaching and learning.

Once you subscribe the latest episode will automatic feed to your computer. Please feel free to e-mail perry.simon.c@edumail.vic.gov.au comments or ideas about how we can use the PodCast further to share and learn from each other ENJOY?

Other PodCasts worth investigating on iTUNES
technolote (Jess from Hawkesdale College)
The Virtual Staffroom
PodKids Australia
Building Learning Communities
The Teachers PodCast

Simon Perry
MoYne Cluster Educator

Cluster Wiki http://www.moynewiki.wetpaint.com/

Cluster Websitehttp://www.hawkesdalecol.vic.edu.au/clusterwebsite.htm

“Tell me and I will forget,
Show me and I may remember,
Involve me and I will understand”

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The WEB 2.0 BUZZ!

It's been a while since my last post. Lots has happened since then. There seems to be a real buzz in the cluster at the moment with lots of teachers and students using ICT, and WEB 2.0 apps to support their teaching and learning.

The Cluster now has a Podcast which I hope will launch on iTUNES this week. It's Called Moyne Cluster E-learning Podcast (MCE-learningpodcast). The Podcast will feature teachers and students from the cluster talking about the fantastic projects that are taking place in their schools and how teachers are using WEB 2.0 apps and ICT to engage students in their learning.

Other WEB 2.0 apps I've been into lately are

Anyway, must fly........stay TUNED.........

Monday, May 07, 2007

Well I am back long time no POST......
Here are some question to think about ..........
What is a wiki?
What is e-leaning?
How can we use wikis with teachers, students, parents, local agencies and community members to enhance learning and information sharing?
What are some issues you are having with ICT useage in schools?
What skills do we need to develop to deal with the "Digital Natives" we are encountering in our learning communities?
What needs to be done about educting communities about digital resoruces such as, mobile phones, iPods, wikis, blogs, RSS, internet use, the whole digial media spectrum? Lets share.................Definitions of elearning on the Web:
is any virtual act or process used to acquire data, information, skills or knowledge. In the context of our research, eLearning is enabled learning, learning in a virtual world where technology merges with human creativity to accelerate and leverage the rapid development and application of deep knowledge.
The delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means. eLearning involves the use of a computer or electronic device to provide training, educational or learning material.
Covers a wide set of applications and processes such as Web based learning, computer based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD-ROM.
E-learning most often means an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through the use of devices based on computer and communications technology. Such devices would includepersonal computers, CDROMs, Digital Television, P.D.A.s and Mobile Phones. Communications technology enables the use of the Internet, email, discussion forums, and collaborative software.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearningen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearningen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearning Definitions of Wiki on the Web:
A website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively.
A collection of websites of hypertext, each of them can be visited and edited by anyone. “Wiki wiki” means "rapidly" in the Hawaiian language.
online collaboration model and tool that allows any user to edit some content of webpages through a simple browser.
A wiki (pronounced , or ; see Pronunciation below) is a web application that allows users to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows anyone to edit the content. Wiki also refers to the collaborative software used to create such a website (see Wiki software).