Tuesday, October 23, 2007

NEWS Flash!!!!!!!!!!!

The "Moyne Cluster E-learning PodCast" is LIVE! on iTUNES. You will need to Download iTUNES (for free) @www.apple.com/itunes/ to your computer to Subscribe (for free) to the PodCast.

In the iTUNES store you will need to do a search for Simon Perry (author) the PodCast in called Moyne Cluster E-learning Podcast.

The PodCast is aimed at sharing and learning about the fantastic things that are happening in our cluster schools. The first few episodes focus on E-learning, ICT and the use of WEB 2.0 tools to engage students in the classroom. As the PodCast gets going there will be interviews with teachers, students, parents and Principals from the cluster.

Currently there are 3 episodes. There is interviews with Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College) about the ICT Innovations Projects she is working on with students at Hawkesdale, and Lori Anderson (Woolsthorpe PS) about how they are using SMART boards in their classrooms to engage students in their teaching and learning.

Once you subscribe the latest episode will automatic feed to your computer. Please feel free to e-mail perry.simon.c@edumail.vic.gov.au comments or ideas about how we can use the PodCast further to share and learn from each other ENJOY?

Other PodCasts worth investigating on iTUNES
technolote (Jess from Hawkesdale College)
The Virtual Staffroom
PodKids Australia
Building Learning Communities
The Teachers PodCast

Simon Perry
MoYne Cluster Educator

Cluster Wiki http://www.moynewiki.wetpaint.com/

Cluster Websitehttp://www.hawkesdalecol.vic.edu.au/clusterwebsite.htm

“Tell me and I will forget,
Show me and I may remember,
Involve me and I will understand”

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The WEB 2.0 BUZZ!

It's been a while since my last post. Lots has happened since then. There seems to be a real buzz in the cluster at the moment with lots of teachers and students using ICT, and WEB 2.0 apps to support their teaching and learning.

The Cluster now has a Podcast which I hope will launch on iTUNES this week. It's Called Moyne Cluster E-learning Podcast (MCE-learningpodcast). The Podcast will feature teachers and students from the cluster talking about the fantastic projects that are taking place in their schools and how teachers are using WEB 2.0 apps and ICT to engage students in their learning.

Other WEB 2.0 apps I've been into lately are

Anyway, must fly........stay TUNED.........